July Mass Uprising Hall

The July Mass Uprising Hall at the Chittagong University Museum stands as a dedicated memorial space commemorating the martyrs of the July Uprising in Bangladesh (July 1–36, 2024), with particular reverence for Hridoy Chandra Tarua and Md. Farhad Hossain, two students from the History Department at the University of Chittagong. Their preserved clothing, worn at the time of their martyrdom, constitutes a poignant centerpiece of the exhibit, offering a tangible connection to their sacrifice. This commemorative space was conceptualized and realized under the scholarly leadership and visionary guidance of the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Chittagong, Professor Dr. Muhammad Yeahia Akhter.

In alignment with its mission to foster academic research and engagement, the museum is actively developing a comprehensive digital archive on the July Uprising. This initiative aims to facilitate in-depth scholarly inquiry into the uprising, encouraging researchers and students to explore the July Mass Uprising Hall virtually via the museum’s website. To enhance the accessibility and scope of resources, the museum is curating a collection of digital and print materials, including primary documents and interpretive texts related to this pivotal historical event. Contributions of materials associated with the July Uprising, as well as comparative studies on revolutionary movements worldwide, are actively sought to enrich this evolving archive and support the advancement of historical scholarship.

July Mass Uprising Hall

July Mass Upsurge

মৃত্যুর আগে ভাইকে ফরহাদ বলেছিলেন, ‘চলেন, শহীদ হয়ে আসি’

Key Slogans of the July Mass Uprising in Bangladesh

“লাখো শহীদের রক্তে কেনা
দেশটা কারো বাপের না”

“আপোষ না সংগ্রাম ? সংগ্রাম সংগ্রাম”

“আমার সোনার বাংলায়, বৈষম্যের ঠাই নাই”

“আবু সাঈদ মুগ্ধ, শেষ হয়নি যুদ্ধ”

“বুকের ভিতর দারুন ঝড়, বুক পেতেছি গুলি কর”

“হামার ব্যাটাক মারলু ক্যানে ?”

“২৪ এর শহীদেরা, লও লও লও সালাম”

মুক্তিযুদ্ধের বাংলায়, বৈষম্যের ঠাই নাই।

আমাদের প্রেরণা—হৃদয় চন্দ্র তরুয়া,

ইতিহাস বিভাগ, চট্টগ্রাম বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়

Feature at the Daily Newspaper – Click Here

Blood-Stained Shirt of Shaheed Hridoy Chandra Tarua: A Testament of Sacrifice

T-Shirt of Hridoy Chandra Taruya
T-Shirt of Md. Farhad Hossain

Tariq Ali  @TariqAli_News

Hundred percent solidarity with the courageous students of Bangladesh resisting their own corrupt government. Bengali students in this region have a rich past. They have fought against an attempt to impose a new language on them (Urdu) and as early as 1948 chanted slogans against Jinnah and suffered martyrdom as a result. There plan was withdrawn and a martyrs memorial still stands in Dhaka. In 1968-69 Bengali students joined students in West Pakistan and helped topple the military dictatorship that ruled the country…the students resisting an authoritarian dynastic regime are in the same tradition. I hope they win.

See the status on x.com

> Tariq Ali is a Pakistani-British Political Activist, Historian and Revolutionary Intellectual.

জুলাই গণ অভ্যুত্থান চলাকালীন লেখক, গবেষক, সমালোচক ও  গণ-বুদ্ধিজীবী প্রফেসর সলিমুল্লাহ খানের বক্তব্য।

List of Martyrs of the July Mass Uprising in Bangladesh

জাদুঘরের জুলাই গণ অভ্যুত্থান হলে স্কুল শিক্ষার্থীদের ভীড়